
Tayyib Patel

CyberSecurity Engineer Apprentice

... About me ...

My name is Tayyib Patel, I'm 25 years old. I'm currently enrolled in an engineer progam at ESIEA, to obtain an Engineer degree in the field of CyberSecurity. To that end, I joined MTI France to work as an apprentice during my formation.
I also hold since 2016 a Master's degree named Master SFPN (Security, Fiability and Performance of Digital Technology), obtained at Pierre and Marie Curie University, in Paris. This formation provided me with a sound technical basis in the fields of Cryptography, High Performance Computing, and Numerical Calculation.
I decided to pursue my academic studies to sharpen my CyberSecurity skills (Firewalling, Privilege Account Management, Pentesting, Data Governance), while gaining professional experience through my apprenticeship.

At a more personal level, I'm married and proud father of a son. I have two main passions: CyberSecurity, and Football. I also love reading.

You'll find on this website a summary of my formations and projects, as well as a brief description of the skills I acquired. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or demands, via the contact form, or by e-mail. Have a nice visit!

... Formation ...

Academic formation

  • CyberSecurity Engineer 2017 - 2019

    Engineering degree in CyberSecurity labelled SecNumEdu by ANSSI (French Network and Information Security Agency), studied at ESIEA.
  • M2 SFPN 2014 - 2016

    Master's Degree (Security, Fiability and Performance of Digital Technology) studied at UPMC, obtained with Honors.
  • Bachelor of Mathematics 2011 - 2014

    Bachelor degree obtained at UPMC, after 3 years of bi-disciplinary courses in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.
  • Bac S 2011
    French Baccalaureate , Option S.V.T Spe. Mathematics, obtained with Honors.

Professional experience

  • CyberSecurity Engineer 2017 - today

    CyberSecurity Engineer, as part of the apprenticeship. My job mainly consists in studying and implementing PoCs (Proof of Concept) on our partners Security products (Thycotic, Varonis, Palo Alto...), that we resell as an integrator.
  • M2 SFPN internship 2016

    M2 internship, carried out at Safran Identity & Security, consisting in studying and implementing White-Box AES algorithms.

... Projects ...

This project took place during my M2 internship, carried out at Safran Identity & Security.

This project took place as part of a M1 module, under the tutorship of an UPMC teacher.

During my apprenticeship, I was asked to shoot a video summarizing my work.

This website you're visiting is also a task I had to complete, as a student at ESIEA.

... Skills ...

Computer languages

Python, Bash, C
C++, Java, HTML, CSS
Maple, Matlab, Magma


Privilege Account Management
Next-Generation Firewalls

Soft skills

Project management
Team work


English (TOEIC: 990/990)

... Contact ...

74 bis, Avenue Maurice Thorez, Ivry-Sur-Seine, France
Email: pro.tayyib.patel@gmail.com